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The Coffee Fruit:
Coffee fruit is one of nature's original energy superfoods, its outer red cherry has an incredibly high ORAC value which means that it helps to fight free radicals in the body, aids with anti- inflammation and helps with mood regulation and focus.
Natural Caffeine:
Caffeine is naturally derived from coffee. But did you know most of the caffeine in coffee is in the seeds? Yes! that's correct. So the fruit itself is relatively low in caffeine, which when utilised in our bars gives you a gentle caffeine boost. What does this mean? Well, that's the equivalent to a green tea energy boost. So very gentle indeed.

"OMG! it is the most AMAZING treat I have had in a very long time! The research I’ve done on the extraordinary health benefits of coffee fruit means that I know how good these bars are for you! I felt a real brain boost/clarity for the next few hours."
Michelle - Customer, QLD Australia
"The bars pack a bunch of flavour, they are the perfect consistency-not crumbly, at all, and come in 3 awesome flavours! I think my favourite is the espresso!"
Emma - Nutrition student , VIC Australia
"Barista breakfast. The right way to start a new week, thanks for the pick me up."
Paolo - Barista, QLD Australia
"I'm in love with your bars!
They are such a great snack to have in between training."